Headquarters of the Flaming Ninjas
Published on October 13, 2008 By Samurye In Sins of a Solar Empire

I am trying to create a dictionary of computer/nerd/geek/sins of a solar empire slang and acronyms so that if i come across an acronym or word that I don't understand I will be able to look it up. Here are some that i think I know. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong and please add more!

afk - away from keyboard

AM - antimatter

brb - be right back

bump - bring up my post

Cap: Capital Ship.

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser)

DIAF: Die in a fire

dpct - damage per cast time

dps - damage per second

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

FLTCOM: Fleet Command

fps - first person shooter

FTW: for the win.

HC: Heavy cruiser

LRF: long range frigate

migitation - nullification of a % of incomeing damage

mine - the exploding kind

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

OFC: of course

OP: Original Poster. (In this case, me)

Progen: Prognetior class mothership

PWN: destroy, kill, beat soundly, obliterate, crush, smash, annihilate, decimate.

RA: Returning Armada.

regen - regeneration

RNG: Random Number Generator.

rpg - role playing game

RTFM: Read the f****** Manual

rts - real time strategy

Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

tbs- turn based strategy

TL;DR Too long didn't read



That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?



Comments (Page 5)
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on Feb 05, 2009


Sorry, sorry. I just.....HAD TO!!!


on Feb 06, 2009


Sorry, sorry. I just.....HAD TO!!!


on Feb 24, 2009

It's my bad guys. I had attack of the pervert.


on Feb 24, 2009


on Feb 24, 2009



on Feb 24, 2009

That's What She Said!

on Feb 25, 2009

oh, gotcha. I'm a tard sometimes.

um, we are missing ROFLCOPTER!!

Mai roflcopter r go SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI


on Feb 25, 2009

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management - copy protection, usually SecuROM or Starforce.

on Apr 20, 2009

on Apr 20, 2009

Excuse me for the abstract point. I was just making an ixy.

Derived from ICS, which stands for Intrasemantic Convenience Statement. You won't know that one. Basically, I came up with it to explain an internet action which doesn't quite make sense to anyone other than the perveyor. When I say internet action, I tend to mean a post, but this term can apply to any action online.


The Undying.

on Apr 20, 2009

No wonder they call you The_Undying! You're a freakin NECROMANCER!!!!!! You just wont let my threads die, will you? First Don't read, and now this!



on Apr 20, 2009

brazilian = someone who changes fonts and text color frequently

lamer = someone who sucks so bad they don't get that everybody else is in therapy just to tolerate them

teh gay / teh gai = "the gay" meaning stupid or pointless, as in people who pronounce pwned "p-owned" are teh gay

OHai!***K!ThxBai! = "Oh, hi!" /stupid message, always lacking spaces/ "Okay, thank you, good bye!" Currently used mostly to imitate the preteen chat/texting kids who don't know their native tongue, but it wasn't too long ago you saw it more from the imitatees.


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