Headquarters of the Flaming Ninjas
Published on October 13, 2008 By Samurye In Sins of a Solar Empire

I am trying to create a dictionary of computer/nerd/geek/sins of a solar empire slang and acronyms so that if i come across an acronym or word that I don't understand I will be able to look it up. Here are some that i think I know. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong and please add more!

afk - away from keyboard

AM - antimatter

brb - be right back

bump - bring up my post

Cap: Capital Ship.

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser)

DIAF: Die in a fire

dpct - damage per cast time

dps - damage per second

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

FLTCOM: Fleet Command

fps - first person shooter

FTW: for the win.

HC: Heavy cruiser

LRF: long range frigate

migitation - nullification of a % of incomeing damage

mine - the exploding kind

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

OFC: of course

OP: Original Poster. (In this case, me)

Progen: Prognetior class mothership

PWN: destroy, kill, beat soundly, obliterate, crush, smash, annihilate, decimate.

RA: Returning Armada.

regen - regeneration

RNG: Random Number Generator.

rpg - role playing game

RTFM: Read the f****** Manual

rts - real time strategy

Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

tbs- turn based strategy

TL;DR Too long didn't read



That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?



Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 23, 2008

I don't know. That would be a good addition to the dictionary.



on Dec 23, 2008

Did we had RTFM?

RTFM - read the f****** manual

on Dec 23, 2008


TD;LR - too long;didn't read

on Dec 23, 2008

Huh, make this



on Dec 23, 2008

progen - advent mothership

HC - heavy cruiser


on Dec 23, 2008

My favorite is DIAF - die in a fire.

But I'm just mean that way.

on Dec 24, 2008

ofc - of course

on Dec 25, 2008

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

 Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

also, put in that LRM is sometimes used instead of LRF.

regen - regeneration

that was just a suggestion, not a definition.  this was copied ftom the OP.

on Dec 25, 2008

also, put in that LRM is sometimes used instead of LRF.

I don't know about anyone else, but when I say LRM I'm specifically talking about the Javelis, but LRF refers to long range frigates in general (Javelis, Assailant, and Illuminator).

on Dec 25, 2008

Yeah i use that two so its going to be two different definitions, also OP please re-arrange the definitions in Alpabetical order, it gets confusing to look at.

on Dec 25, 2008

42 - the answear to life the universe and all that stuff

GG - good game (said at the end of a game to a worthy opponent)

k - ok (god we're lazy sometimes)

troll - a person that argues for the sake of arguing or to have fun/mess with ppl

ecm - electronic counter messure

eccm- electronic counter counter mesure



on Dec 26, 2008

ecccm- electronic counter counter counter measure

ELINT - ELectronic INTel

FFE - fire for effect.  usually scatter shot.


flamer - someone who directly insults people.  taken from flaming

flaming - insulting a person instead of disagreeing peaceably.  not allowed in most forums/chat

FTL - Faster Than Light

HE- high(ly) explosive, strong exposives

LADAR - LAser Direction And Ranging

Metal Storm - a ship-born defense system, uses ceramic and metal slugs to intercept projectiles

psi - psychic (descriptive of inanimate things. like energy)

ROM - Read-Only Memory

RAM - Random-Access Memory - used for computing, erased on shutdown.

TACCOM- TACtical COMmand

on Dec 26, 2008

Um Samurye you need to change the font color

on Dec 30, 2008

hw - homeworld

on Dec 30, 2008

I'll just change the font color to green, because on the Stardock forums it needs to be black or you can't see it, but on the SOASE forums it has to be white.



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