Headquarters of the Flaming Ninjas
Published on October 13, 2008 By Samurye In Sins of a Solar Empire

I am trying to create a dictionary of computer/nerd/geek/sins of a solar empire slang and acronyms so that if i come across an acronym or word that I don't understand I will be able to look it up. Here are some that i think I know. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong and please add more!

afk - away from keyboard

AM - antimatter

brb - be right back

bump - bring up my post

Cap: Capital Ship.

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser)

DIAF: Die in a fire

dpct - damage per cast time

dps - damage per second

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

FLTCOM: Fleet Command

fps - first person shooter

FTW: for the win.

HC: Heavy cruiser

LRF: long range frigate

migitation - nullification of a % of incomeing damage

mine - the exploding kind

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

OFC: of course

OP: Original Poster. (In this case, me)

Progen: Prognetior class mothership

PWN: destroy, kill, beat soundly, obliterate, crush, smash, annihilate, decimate.

RA: Returning Armada.

regen - regeneration

RNG: Random Number Generator.

rpg - role playing game

RTFM: Read the f****** Manual

rts - real time strategy

Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

tbs- turn based strategy

TL;DR Too long didn't read



That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?



Comments (Page 2)
5 Pages1 2 3 4  Last
on Dec 17, 2008

sooooooo.... samurye goin to update the first post?



It's not a typo when I say Pwn deliberately. And I pronounce it was P-own




on Dec 17, 2008

to make it easier to get an overview, and hopefully make it worthy of a sticky

on Dec 17, 2008

Cap: capital ship.

Space egg: Jarrasul Evacuator.

Minidump: crash notification.

Mabey we could find a link to a leet translator? That could realy help.



on Dec 18, 2008

Minidump: crash notification.

Make that:

Mdp: minidump,  crash flie notification.

on Dec 18, 2008


Quoting Orodum,
reply 15
sooooooo.... samurye goin to update the first post?


Quoting Tempeste,
reply 13

It's not a typo when I say Pwn deliberately. And I pronounce it was P-own




because the first post is always the one that is looked at, and is visible no matter what page is up.  and not having to search through the whole thread would be much easier.

on Dec 18, 2008

AM - antimatter

dps - damege per second

dpct - dmg per cast time

rts - real time strategy

tbs- turn based strategy

fps - first person shooter

rpg - role playing game

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

migitation - nullify a % of incomeing dmg

brb - be right back

afk - away from keyboard

bump - bring up my post

RA - returning Armada (or the old rts game Red Alert)

regen - regeneration



good to know things-->


chuck norris - texas ranger THE GOD

tfc game - tom 'fucking' chilton game (if he is on the dev team run away)

on Dec 18, 2008

RR- restroom or take a look at this. www.smouch.net/lol/, you just got rick rolled

on Dec 18, 2008

RR- restroom or take a look at this. www.smouch.net/lol/, you just got rick rolled


hehe did i get you?

on Dec 18, 2008

yes you did but it was easy to get out of it.

on Dec 19, 2008

hey im not ewul,just a wannabe funny man

on Dec 20, 2008

seems to be growing slowly, imo theres enough now that our resident should edit the OP


OP - original poster

on Dec 20, 2008

Vanilla - original


Chocolate -


on Dec 20, 2008

Okay I updated the Post.



on Dec 22, 2008

RNG - random number generator

on Dec 23, 2008

whats TD;LR mean, I see it on the wow forums alot

best i can firuge, its supposed to be a summery of whatever you was saying, but  Im not sure

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