Headquarters of the Flaming Ninjas
Published on October 13, 2008 By Samurye In Sins of a Solar Empire

I am trying to create a dictionary of computer/nerd/geek/sins of a solar empire slang and acronyms so that if i come across an acronym or word that I don't understand I will be able to look it up. Here are some that i think I know. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong and please add more!

afk - away from keyboard

AM - antimatter

brb - be right back

bump - bring up my post

Cap: Capital Ship.

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser)

DIAF: Die in a fire

dpct - damage per cast time

dps - damage per second

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

FLTCOM: Fleet Command

fps - first person shooter

FTW: for the win.

HC: Heavy cruiser

LRF: long range frigate

migitation - nullification of a % of incomeing damage

mine - the exploding kind

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

OFC: of course

OP: Original Poster. (In this case, me)

Progen: Prognetior class mothership

PWN: destroy, kill, beat soundly, obliterate, crush, smash, annihilate, decimate.

RA: Returning Armada.

regen - regeneration

RNG: Random Number Generator.

rpg - role playing game

RTFM: Read the f****** Manual

rts - real time strategy

Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

tbs- turn based strategy

TL;DR Too long didn't read



That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?



Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 06, 2009

I like the green

on Jan 07, 2009

one I've seen on the forums, but don't know the meaning of:


on Jan 07, 2009

IMO: In my opinion.

IMHO: In my honest opinion.



on Jan 08, 2009

IE - I know what it means when I see it but I cant give a definition for it, and i dont mean internet explorer, but also stands for my clan Ildiran Empire Clan


on Jan 08, 2009

"in example", is a possible definition for IE. Usually that's what it means, anyway.

Choke point - a small, easily defensible area (usually one planet wide, like the planet Gateway on the map Gateway)

FUBAR - F***ed up beyond all recognition

MB - Missile Barrage: the lvl 6 Marza ability

pms - here, it means "phase missile swarm", a Vulkoras ability. usually.

S.O.L. - shit outta luck (our sun's name is Sol. makes you wonder....)


DRM - this one I don't know

on Jan 10, 2009

G- 1 unit of gravity (depending on the mass of the planet that your on)

GW - gavity well

on Jan 11, 2009

Regarding OP... I've seen it used here in the forums regarding ships/weapons/features that are over powered. I haven't seen it in this forum used as original poster. Anyone?

on Jan 11, 2009

Add this too:

SSDD - same shit different day

usually it's used in multiplayer chat,

-What's up?

-Nuttin, SSDD...

Funky shit... or not..

on Jan 21, 2009

FTW can also be Fuck the World

I think we've forgotten perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT, the MOST NECCESSARY, and the MOST OFTEN USED EXPRESSION....


Also newb.

Sometimes noobie.

Noob (Noun) n*u*b

1. A Very inexperienced person. 2. Someone who is inexperienced but uses techniques sometimes reffered to as cheating to beat others. 3. Someone who acts like an ass to everyone, regardless of how nice they are. 4. Someone who names their multiplayer name something god-awful just to make them laugh when they see it or when it is used. Example: Yo momma, as in |You were killed by: yo momma|  or |Yo momma is coming!|



Please feel free to add on any more definitions to noob.


on Jan 21, 2009

Someone who names their multiplayer name something god-awful just to make them laugh when they see it or when it is used

I agree with that to some extent, but injecting some clever humor can make your games a little better. (IMO)

Having a toon named "Parts" then earn and keep a rank of "Private" will earn you a toon (with title).

"Private Parts"

It only works if it's tastefull and in good humor.


on Jan 22, 2009

Kruppe mentioned "42".

42 is VERY important and absolutley needs to be taken up into the list!


on Jan 22, 2009

What about "Jedi Master Jar Jar"?

on Jan 22, 2009

I agree Jedmonds, but i goes too far when someone names themselves (Warning, not suitable for small childrenz) "hot semen". 

I mean seriously now. Too far. It was a guy on Halo CE. I wanted to beat him to death with a sniper rifle.



on Jan 24, 2009

FTW does stand for "For the Win", however, it also does stand for "Fuck the What".

 Iknew i wasn't crazy when! When i first saw FTW i thaught it ment "fuck the what"

on Jan 26, 2009

Also a variation on SSDD          -            SSDB Same Shit Different Bucket

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