Headquarters of the Flaming Ninjas
Published on October 13, 2008 By Samurye In Sins of a Solar Empire

I am trying to create a dictionary of computer/nerd/geek/sins of a solar empire slang and acronyms so that if i come across an acronym or word that I don't understand I will be able to look it up. Here are some that i think I know. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong and please add more!

afk - away from keyboard

AM - antimatter

brb - be right back

bump - bring up my post

Cap: Capital Ship.

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser)

DIAF: Die in a fire

dpct - damage per cast time

dps - damage per second

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

FLTCOM: Fleet Command

fps - first person shooter

FTW: for the win.

HC: Heavy cruiser

LRF: long range frigate

migitation - nullification of a % of incomeing damage

mine - the exploding kind

mmo - masivly multiplayer online

OFC: of course

OP: Original Poster. (In this case, me)

Progen: Prognetior class mothership

PWN: destroy, kill, beat soundly, obliterate, crush, smash, annihilate, decimate.

RA: Returning Armada.

regen - regeneration

RNG: Random Number Generator.

rpg - role playing game

RTFM: Read the f****** Manual

rts - real time strategy

Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

tbs- turn based strategy

TL;DR Too long didn't read



That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?



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on Oct 13, 2008

That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base is belong to us" mean?

You don't know? 

It was a very from the game zero wing.  It was very poorly translated into english,  it went something like this

In A.D. 2101
War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's you !!
CATS: How are you gentlemen !!
CATS: All your base are belong to us.
CATS: You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say !!
CATS: You have no chance to survive make your time.
CATS: Ha ha ha ha ....
Operator: Captain !! *
Captain: Take off every 'ZIG'!!
Captain: You know what you doing.
Captain: Move 'ZIG'.
Captain: For great justice.

Of course I believe it was a flash animation that spread its popularity.

on Oct 13, 2008



on Oct 16, 2008

That is what I think I know. Also what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?

Its from Zero Wing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQnDkgdIn_A check it out.

Here is a link on you tube it's from covering the story

on Dec 15, 2008

FTW is also WTF backwards. People use it to avoid curse detectors.

on Dec 16, 2008

LOL all your base are belong to us.  Now I know where it came from.

on Dec 16, 2008

FTW is what the guy that wins says

WTF is what the guy that lost says

on Dec 16, 2008

I thought FTW meant for the win.




on Dec 16, 2008

I thought FTW meant for the win.


shadows are just being funny


ftw is for the win

wtf is what the fuck



if it was a well played map by both sides, it is costumary to say GG(good gome) by both parties.



on Dec 16, 2008

other terms to be added:

RA - Returning Armada ; you would not believe how many do not know this term

cap - capitol ship

FLTCOM - Fleet Command ; this is a navy term that might be applied here

DC ships - Direct combat ships (light frigate, heavy cruiser) ; an occasionally used term

Flagship - the ship with the fleet icon above it.

mine - the exploding kind

extractor - what you use to get resources  do not confuse the two!

 Space egg/space whale - the Vasari Jarrasul Evacuator

also, put in that LRM is sometimes used instead of LRF.

any other ideas?

on Dec 16, 2008

Entrenchment: When your dying grandmother calls to ask you be there at her side for her last moments, and your car fails to start. You get in your wife's car and get pulled over, hit every red light, run into rush hour traffic on the highway, cant find a parking spot, get lost, find the info desk to get a temorary ID, realize you left your wallet in the car, go back, realize the elevators are out of order, take the stairs, get stuck behind a morbidly obese man in this scooter, get detoured because the hallway is sealed after someone starts throwing up blood, make it to grandma's room, find out she got moved to hospice, run to the other end of the hospital, wait in line at info desk behind a man with Alzheimers, find out her room number, and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll get to see her tonight.

on Dec 16, 2008

Entrenchment: When your dying grandmother calls to ask you be there at her side for her last moments, and your car fails to start. You get in your wife's car and get pulled over, hit every red light, run into rush hour traffic on the highway, cant find a parking spot, get lost, find the info desk to get a temorary ID, realize you left your wallet in the car, go back, realize the elevators are out of order, take the stairs, get stuck behind a morbidly obese man in this scooter, get detoured because the hallway is sealed after someone starts throwing up blood, make it to grandma's room, find out she got moved to hospice, run to the other end of the hospital, wait in line at info desk behind a man with Alzheimers, find out her room number, and MAYBE, just MAYBE you'll get to see her tonight.





on Dec 16, 2008

Pwn does not mean those things, it means "own". "Own" means those things. Pwn is just a typo, and is actually pronounced "own". Just so y'all know. c:

on Dec 17, 2008

Pwn does not mean those things, it means "own". "Own" means those things. Pwn is just a typo, and is actually pronounced "own". Just so y'all know. c:


It's not a typo when I say Pwn deliberately. And I pronounce it was P-own

on Dec 17, 2008


Quoting SgtHop, reply 12Pwn does not mean those things, it means "own". "Own" means those things. Pwn is just a typo, and is actually pronounced "own". Just so y'all know. c:

It's not a typo when I say Pwn deliberately. And I pronounce it was P-own



FTW does stand for "For the Win", however, it also does stand for "Fuck the What".

on Dec 17, 2008

sooooooo.... samurye goin to update the first post?

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